A Guide to Hurricane Preparedness

Ensure your organization is safe before, during, and after hurricanes with the right safety measures and preparation.

What is Hurricane Preparedness?

Hurricane preparedness refers to the measures taken by businesses to ensure safety from a hurricane. Often involved here is the creation of a comprehensive plan to protect employees, assets, and operations before, during, and after the storm. This also includes securing physical structures, backing up critical data, establishing communication protocols, and having a continuity plan to minimize downtime.


Weather disasters are unavoidable, with the North Atlantic experiencing six to seven hurricanes yearly. These hurricanes can lead to injuries and unsafe working conditions, as well as costly repairs and extended downtime that impacts revenue. Thus, it’s important to be prepared for them.

Hurricane preparedness is crucial for businesses because it safeguards against significant financial losses and operational disruptions. This also promotes business continuity, allowing operations to resume quickly after the event. A well-executed preparedness plan can minimize data loss, protect essential assets, and reduce recovery time. This proactive approach can mitigate risks and enhance a business’s reputation for resilience and reliability.

The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) also requires employers to consider their workers’ wellbeing when creating and implementing hurricane preparedness plans. Following this, being properly prepared for a hurricane helps ensure employees safety. Efficient hurricane preparedness planning guarantees employees are sufficiently trained for any possible emergency or disaster, and are also properly equipped with the necessary items and equipment to help themselves and others.

How to Check for Hurricane Preparedness

A key aspect of hurricane preparedness is checking if a business is prepared for a hurricane before it happens. It’s critical that companies to check for hurricane preparedness before hurricane season, and they can do it by following the steps below:

Step 1: Review the Emergency Plan

It’s best for companies to consistently check the emergency plans they have in place to gauge effectiveness and ensure they are up-to-date with current weather threats. Businesses can do this by assessing evacuation procedures, identifying key personnel responsibilities, and verifying that all safety measures are well-defined. This helps ensure that everyone knows their role and that the plan is practical for real-world scenarios.

Step 2: Update Contact Information

Effective communication during hurricanes is crucial. This is why companies must verify and update phone numbers, email addresses, and emergency contacts for all employees, vendors, and stakeholders. This ensures that everyone can be reached quickly in case of an emergency, minimizing confusion and delays.

Inspect Infrastructure

Another important step in checking for hurricane preparedness is inspecting the physical integrity of the business premises, such as building roofs, windows, and drainage systems, as these areas are typically vulnerable during hurricanes. Inspecting infrastructure before hurricanes ensures that businesses reduce the risk of structural failure and costly repairs.

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Step 3: Test Communication Systems

Communication is critical during weather disasters and crises. This is why businesses should ensure that all channels, including phone lines, email, and emergency alert systems, function properly. This helps maintain clear and consistent communication with employees and emergency services during a hurricane and resolve any technical issues before they become critical.

Step 4: Conduct Drills

Conducting drills allows employees to practice the emergency plan in a controlled environment, enhancing their readiness. This step helps identify any gaps in the plan and provides an opportunity to make necessary adjustments. Regular drills ensure that everyone knows what to do and can act swiftly and confidently in the event of a hurricane.

Tips for Improving Hurricane Preparedness

There are many ways for organizations to improve their hurricane preparedness. It’s always best to start preparing for hurricanes long before the season to ensure that the team covers all bases. Here are a few crucial tips to improving hurricane preparedness within an organization:

Develop a Comprehensive Emergency Plan

All businesses should have an emergency action plan that outlines the specific steps an organization will take before, during, and after a hurricane. This plan should include evacuation routes, safety protocols, and responsibilities for all employees, ensuring that everyone knows what to do in a crisis. By thoroughly addressing potential scenarios, companies mitigate risks and ensure a coordinated response.

Establish a Communication System

Organizations must also have a reliable communication system to keep everyone informed during a hurricane. This system should include multiple channels, such as phone, email, and text alerts, to ensure that information reaches all employees quickly. Clear and timely communication helps prevent confusion and allows for swift decision-making in an emergency.

Conduct Regular Training and Drills

Regular training and drills prepare employees to respond effectively during a hurricane by reinforcing the emergency plan. These exercises provide practical experience, helping staff become familiar with their roles and responsibilities. Continuous training also helps identify areas for improvement, ensuring that the plan evolves with changing circumstances.

Ensure Data Backup and Recovery

Business information is at high risk of damage during a hurricane, this is why companies must have a data backup and recovery protocol. To do this, teams should regularly back up data and store backups in offsite locations. This enables the organization to restore operations quickly, reducing downtime and financial impact.

Develop a Business Continuity Plan

Lastly, companies must have a business continuity plan, which should outline how the organization will maintain essential functions during and after a hurricane. This plan includes strategies for managing disruptions, such as alternative work arrangements and supply chain adjustments, to keep the business running. Having a continuity plan in place ensures that the organization can recover quickly and sustain operations despite the challenges posed by a hurricane.

Leon Altomonte
Article by

Leon Altomonte

SafetyCulture Content Contributor
Leon Altomonte is a content contributor for SafetyCulture. With his language degree and years of experience in content writing, he delivers well-researched, informative articles about safety, quality, and operational excellence. In addition to his professional pursuits, Leon maintains a creative outlet as a performing musician.